648 Main Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Phone: 508-845-6226
Fax: 508-842-0061
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Our Commitment To You

Britton Funeral Homes is committed to being the premier funeral service provider in our communities. It is our goal and passion to provide every family with the finest, most complete services available.  We strive to deliver the very best service for every family we are honored to serve, regardless of the arrangements they choose. This is our commitment to the families and communities we serve today, and tomorrow.
We encourage you to contact us should you have any questions about the services that we can provide to you and your family.  We thank you for visiting. Please visit again soon.



We provide our families with an open door policy. Please feel free to contact us 24 hours a day.

Britton Funeral Homes, Inc.

648 Main Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Phone: 508-845-6226
Fax: 508-842-0061
Email: info@brittonfuneralhomes.com
Britton-Shrewsbury Funeral Home
Britton-Wallace Funeral Home

Helping You Plan

Are you looking to add a personal touch to your loved one's funeral service? Would you like to browse through our catalog of viewing merchandise? Maybe you want to learn more about planning your own funeral. We've made all of this information — and more — available for you to explore in the comfort and privacy of your home.

Helping You Grieve

Our experience has taught us that when losing a loved one, those left behind feel lost and alone. Many do not know where to turn to or how to cope. Our grief support programs in place are dedicated to helping you during your difficult time and making each day a little easier for you when a loved one is lost.